Sunday, September 21, 2008

It's all about LOVE

Okay what is this LOVE?

You might be thinking- what is she on about, who doesn't know what love means... but, to be honest it is one of the most difficult question for the mankind as there is no specific answer to it. To me describing love is very difficult, for the same reason that words cannot fully describe the flavor of an orange. You have to taste the fruit to know the flavor, so with love

When asked what love is to a 4 year old, Mary Ann, she replied innocently, "Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone al day" ... aaawww... isn't that cute? 

Now, how do we express love? 
I like this simple definition from a wise person, "Love expressed is when you give your attention, your time, your focus to someone."

Love can be expressed in different ways, emotionally, physically, by interacting (that is by expressing your feelings) etc. However, the feelings need not be shown all the time, it can also be felt (non-verbally) or communicated verbally. One of the greatest way to declare your love is to communicate and there no better way to communicate but through  music!! :) 

Love has always ruled in music, there are thousands and thousands of song son love by various artists. For example, lets have a look at the recent song, "love story" by Taylor Swift (please click on the link to see the video).

This is a good example of a 'typical' portrayal of love where interpersonal communication plays an important part. Interpersonal communication generally involves two person in a "face to face interaction," which builds on a connection and hence establishing a relationship with another individual. The main is to satisfy our social needs and realize our personal goals.

In this song, it's the same old story where a girl falls in love with a boy(usually not so well off) and the girl's father gets in the way (more like a villain), although at the end he approves of the guy and they both live happily ever after! Don't you think it's just too cliche?
However, here the guy is also victimized by the prototypes  and the personal constructs. 

Looking at the other song, "I'm yours" by Jason Mraz has been set in a different context, although, it still emphasizes on love (to see the video please click on the link, "I'm yours" above).

In this song the lyricist signifies on 'Relational Formation and Development' - physical appearance, for example, "I tried to be chill but your so hot that i melted". This indicates that one of the reason he loves her is because of her physical appearance.  This is a very common and general perception, although it can change over time. 

Now, in broader perspective, "communication" in relationships can vary from person to person. Narrowing it down to myself, I would rather take a quantitative approach when defining my type of interpersonal communication. As, I feel I am more drawn to the uniqueness in a person as to more of their physical attributes... Don't you get attracted to a person by the way he/she talks or deliver themselves? Likewise, there are many other factors that also adjunct to this. 

I feel i tend to incline more towards people with similar interests as mine, as it is easier for me to communicate with them. Don't you feel the same too?

Lastly, not forgetting my point, communication plays an important role in any relationship. Lack of communication in a relationship can result in hasty decisions that can even lead to separation.... ouch that could hurt!


Anonymous said...

Hi Amrin,

It's true that when defining 'love' there is no one definition. I realy liked the way you illustrated that it is hard to explain until you experience it yourself!

Now, talking about getting attracted to the people with same interests, i also feel its much easier! That way it gets simpler to communicate with people/strangers.

I agree that communication does play a very important role in any relationship!

ps: i love that song, I'm Yours by Jason Mraz... good choice ;P

Audrey :)

Amrin said...

Hi Audrey!
thanks for sharing your ideas... and yes that song is good eh :)

We all know one. said...

Hey there..
Well... love is subjective.

Some may say that "one man's meat is another man's poison", or "different strokes, different folks", but I'll say if both parties feel it then rock on!

To me love is all about mutuality, a two-way thing, just as how communication between 2 parties work. There has to be a transaction, giving and taking, sharing and caring.

And what better way to convey your love message by singing!
Classic songs like "Love Me" (Collin Raye), "Change the World"(Eric Clapton), to recent hits like "Kiss ME"(Sixpence None the Richer, Olivia Ong) and foreign ones like "Why" (Ayaka) all convey love, irrespective whether it's a son, your girlfriend/boyfriend, grandmother or even the death of a anime character.

And i shall end it off by saying "love is universal"

peace out, we all know one.

Anonymous said...

hey amrin! :D
totally agreed! love is subjective, everyone has a different perspective of it. and more importantly, it's portrayed in so many different ways, be in non-verbally, or verbally, through songs, through actions, through words. (:
and of course, communication is essential in a relationship, any relationship, rock on comm! (HAHA.)

tough topic to analyse here! but good work! :D


Anonymous said...

I completely agree with you that communication plays a very important role in matter what kind of love is shared between the two..whether it be a mother and a daughter or between two friends or between a couple...and moreover helps build a strong relation between the two.